- The bells Kylemore Abbey
- The Bell in the Holy Lake
- The Cats of Dublin
- The Clock
- The Dog Eats My Cake
- The Fiddler’s Son (1)
- The Fiddler’s Dance
- The Fiddler’s Tune
- The Fiddling Gun
- The Fire Dance
- The Frog in the Milk
- The Hunters Jigg
- The Irish Washerwoman
- The Italian Lover
- The Lair of the Fairies
- The Lark in the Dawn
- The Little Fox
- The Merry Fiddler
- The merry fiddlers
- The Queen of the Fairies
- The Queen of the Fairies and her children
- The Sad Maiden
- The Song of the Lark
- The Spinning Wheel
- The spinning wheel
- The Steamboat
- The Weaver
- The Wedding Bells
- The Wizard